Hide fields form invoices

Hi there. I would like to know if there is any possibility to hide some fileds that are already by default.

For example, I would like to hide the “Due Date Section” because I really don’t use that. Or the “order number”.

I really don’t mind if this sections are there but my proble is that I have employees that use “Manager” and they get confused sometimes while making the invoice.

You cannot hide fields on the input screens, because Manager makes use of that data and it must be editable. Some fields, however, will disappear automatically if the features that enable them are disabled, but you cannot disable a feature when there have been transactions using it.

You can, however, suppress the appearance of specific fields on completed forms with custom themes using conditional logic. That however, is beyond the scope of this forum. If you don’t personally have the software coding skills, hire a local programmer who can code in Liquid.

Ok, tanks. I’ll see what I can do.