To enhance the transaction handling capabilities of Manager, multiple checkboxes have been incorporated into transaction forms. While this is a positive development, it has resulted in an overcrowded transaction form area.
I recommend most of those tools be sent to Settings under “Transaction and Document Settings”
Benefits of freeing up space on transaction forms
It would be great to restrict access to some transaction settings. Admins can easily restrict access to these managerial tools if they are under settings. Granting data entry personnel and clerks access to these settings is not ideal, as they should be reserved exclusively for management. These settings, such as document title, early payment discount policy, rounding, thermal printer settings (themes), tax-inclusive amounts, display of tax amounts, etc., should be under the control of management or owners and implemented as part of the business policies. They do not require frequent changes at the transaction level. However, a few settings can be left accessible, such as the withholding tax entry field and footer, if their content depends on the parties involved in the transaction.
I agree with the space concerns and think that there should be a hide/show button for these parameters which could be set to either hide or show in form defaults
I would be very cautious about this. We already see many users who cannot find information due to Edit Columns feature. You should not have to resort to Form Defaults to activate transaction options. And features hidden in a new Settings page (or layers of pages) are useless if someone does not know to look for them.
@eko Form Defaults already handles these options. What I’m requesting is the complete removal of many of those options to a place under settings. In other words, these fields and options will not show on the forms.
You have given me an idea and that idea is to name the settings Transaction and Documents defaults
Form defaults can continue to be used for fields and options that will actually appear on the form.
In summary, Transaction and Document Defaults would handle top-level global settings for transactions and documents, while Form Defaults would continue to manage global settings for fields or options that need to be populated on forms.
For example, you are never going to see the same business have different titles for the same transaction type. You cannot title one document Invoice and another Bill.
I should have been clearer. Whatever would not have been enabled in form defaults should no longer show on the form. However, I understand, also @Tut’s comment that this may be more confusing than helpful and as such support your suggestion:
I agree with @Tut in that I do not think that these settings should be buried in the settings tab as most of these settings are required to be changed “on the fly”. Also, lately there has been a move to taking things out of the settings tab and this would be going against the trend (e.g. Form Defaults was previously in the settings tab).
I would, however, as mentioned previously in this thread, like to see a hide/show button in the transaction form for these parameters which would address your space concerns.