Form Defaults Tab Title Inconsistencies


When you edit say Receipt Form Defaults, you will see name of business – Receipt --Edit in the browser tab view, which is expected.

However when you edit say Sales Quote Form Defaults, you will see name of business – 00010101 – Edit instead of presumably Sales Quote in the browser tab view.

On the Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice form defaults, it shows the date 1-Jan-01 in browser tab view.

If you have multiple browser tabs open, you can’t see which tab is the sales Quote, Purchase Invoice or Sales Invoice when editing the Form Defaults.

Additional comments on the current Tab Titles within Manager

I have just checked sales quotes (the actual quotes) and the browser tab shows Business Name - Quote Number - Edit. Would it be possible for it to show instead Business Name - Sales Quote + Quote Number – Edit so with multiple tabs open, it is easy to see which browser tab is the Sales Quote or Customer tab etc.

Second, does it make sense for the browser tabs to show the Business Name? Most users would probably only ever be working in one business so it’s kind of redundant to have the browser tab show the Business Name? But accountants working with multiple businesses simultaneously may find it convenient. I think that this should be reviewed.

The reason why I ask is because I can see that having Business Name – Sales Quote + Quote Number – Edit does not help if you have two or more Sales quotes browser tabs open as there would be nothing to distinguish between them like a client name or something? With the use of the Server Edition, I often have multiple tabs open, but I just realised that I am not really using the tab information to find the correct tab - I generally just click on each one to find the tab that I am looking for. This is largely a result of the fact that the browser tab information does not show the information that I need e.g. am I working on a sales quote or sales invoice.

Sorry but it is actually very helpful for us and to similarly generalize for most users. We have decided that business units are better dealt with s separate businesses as they even have their own bank accounts. We have them open simultaneously and shift between several ones continuesly as they “internally sell to each other” and thus a lot of copy and paste. The Manager Divisions system is not discreet enough to deal with units separately.

I mean for users with only one business (which may or may not be the majority users), it would redundant.

In your scenario, the problem is not my suggestion, but rather that Manager currently does not handle divisions as well as you would want them to. You should make a feature request aligning what you perceive to be the problems with the current Divisions design.

I am not too concerned about the presence/absence of the company name on the browser tab. I just mentioned it as something that is irrelevant to myself and no doubt many other users. But I do concede that it may be relevant to many others.However, if I had to choose, I would rather have the word Sales Quote showing on the tab than the name of the business as ten tabs all showing the name of the same business is of no use to me, whereas being able to see that tab is an invoice and that one is quote is way more useful.

I will go along with @eko :+1:

The reason is Manager is generalized to meet needs of all users not just one user. Like @eko, we too use many business and have to shift between several opened business. If each are not names then it would a chaos for us to understand which business we are working in.

I have moved this to the bugs category and slightly edited @dalacor’s opening post to follow topic naming policies.

Form titles fixed in the latest version (21.8.22)

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@lubos, I moved this topic back to bugs. The first issue @dalacor raised, naming of browser/window tabs for Form Defaults, was corrected. However, the second issue of inconsistencies for functional tabs was not. (Here, I ignore the discussion about whether business names are necessary.)

The general form for naming of browser/window tabs for transaction functional tabs is:

Business Name — Transaction Type — Reference — Edit/View

and the naming convention for tabs with subsidiary ledgers is:

Business Name — Subsidiary Ledger — Edit/View

However, four transactional tabs depart from the convention. Specifically:

  • Sales Quotes and Sales Orders use Business Name — Reference — Edit/View, omitting the transaction type.

  • Sales Invoices and Purchase Invoices use Business Name — #Reference — Date — Edit/View, omitting the transaction type and inserting a number sign before the reference number.

It seems logical for all transaction tabs to follow the general naming convention shown first above.

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I simplified a few more things in the latest version (21.8.55) so the presentation should be now consistent in History and breadcrumbs too. Not just in window titles.

@Lubos please note there is a possible bug Manger Server (Ubuntu) v21.8.55. History is not showing any entry when clicking on the History button at the bottom right when viewing a Sales Order and a Purchase Invoice. Sales Invoice and Purchase Order work as expected.

@eko test this with newly created transactions

It works with newly created ones, but question remains why not with previous ones, is it not supposed to be history? And why is it not consistent across, ie it works properly with some as indicated.