Hi. I have seen a couple of posts about this topic but with no answers, so I am not sure if this subject is maybe not so important for many users.
I have been working on a product costing for my stock. All seems to work out well. I have added my purchase invoices in 3 different currencies and all my exchange rates for the days of the purchase invoices (even if the actual exchange rate is determined by the day we pay, not the day the invoice is issued, and even if sometimes we have different purchase invoices with the same currency and same date but with different exchange rates because they were paid at different moments, a problem I solved by changing the date of some of the invoices).
Now I can see that I have some forex gains, and I really have a hard time in figuring how this works. If I click on the amount of the gain I get a list of transactions, where some are gains some are losses. The first one is a gain and it looks like this:
The open balance is the amount of my first purchase invoice, while the purchase inovoice is the amount of my second purchase invoice. This is already something I do not understand: why the use of the term “opening balance”? But also, the exchange rates I put diligently have all a lot more digits that just 0,0010 and 0,0011 - they are all like the third exchange rate in the picture with 10 digits after the 0,… Does Manager approximate automatically the exchange rates? And why only the first two? Could the approximation be the reason for the gain/loss?