I am not sure if this is a problem if not can someone explain it to me
My profit and loss has loss on disposal of 46.93 and depreciation of 48.31, Date of report 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024.
Drill down on Loss is
If you look at the bread crumbs at the top of each you will see one is loss one is depreciation, The first on is on the loss and the next is the depreciation.
Would it be because I ran the depreciation and then disposed of the assets ? but why is it not showing in the fixed asset summary
Noticed that you include a website as a fixed asset. A website is not a fixed asset because it isn’t physical. It’s an intangible asset, if it has long-term value and is expected to generate future income. If not, it’s treated as an expense.
Intangible Asset: If the website is expected to generate future benefits, create an Intangible Assets account in the chart of account under assets and amortize (spread costs) it over its useful life.
Expense: If the website is mainly for marketing and doesn’t have long-term benefits, setup an Advertising or Marketing Expense account in the chart of accounts under profit and loss under expenses.
No offence taken. I just observed this entry. Irrespective of what your IRD Manager finds it is wrong practice to handle a website as a fixed asset, for instance not only is it not tangible it therefore can also not depreciate. It is up to you what to do with this but as this is on a public forum I hope other users will consider the proper accounting practice.