Feature Request - Invoice templates

We have two different business names attached to one company, so the company file has to include both businesses for company reporting.
We provide services for Concreting and Music Lessons.
We would like to have a different invoice template with its own logo image on each, because when we use the invoice for concreting, it confuses our music lesson payers.
Is it possible to have the business logo attahed to an invoice template and have multiple invoice templates.


This is already possible from Settings > Obsolete Features > Themes.

You just need to replace this part:

{% if business.logo != null %}<td style="text-align: end"><img src="{{ business.logo }}" style="max-height: 150px; max-width: 300px; display: inline" /></td>{% endif %}

…with this:

<td style="text-align: end"><img src="..." style="max-height: 150px; max-width: 300px; display: inline" /></td>

Replace " ... " with the link to your logo image.

Please mind that the logo should be hosted somewhere on the internet if you are using Cloud Edition, or on your computer/Server if you’re using Desktop/Server Edition.
Be warned though that Themes being obsolete, don’t play nicely with newer features like footers.

Other than that, this should do fine for now until a replacement for themes is provided, eventually.


Just a warning - we’re using the Desktop version and had a custom theme for one of our divisions. Originally we were able to have the image file on our own hard drive locally. At some point something changed in the software and that no longer worked. We got it to work again by putting the image on our website server and linking to it there. So, no storing it locally anymore.

I’m not sure when that happened, but I’m pretty sure that that shouldn’t be the case.

Maybe this is due to permissions or another issue, but I believe that Desktop Edition shouldn’t require users to host their files on the internet.

Could you please provide more information on you case @KrisK ?

I can’t really. this happened a couple years ago so I have no idea what version of the software I was on. I just know that suddenly the theme I was using for our ‘2nd’ division had a missing picture graphic instead of our logo. We hadn’t moved it or changed anything. We also don’t necessarily have invoices for that division every day so I can’t even directly tie it to an upgrade of something besides Manager. We tried redoing the theme a couple times and it just didn’t work until we uploaded the graphic to a spot on our website and entered that code. Voila! It worked perfectly. We haven’t tried to move it back to change it since it was working.

If the problem has been ‘fixed’ that’s great. I just wanted Desktop users to be aware in case they were having problems.

I know that the PDF situation has changed AND that the themes (at least as they are now) will be gone so I rather assume that we might need to change all this again in the future anyway.

I cannot remember the program ever being able to access images stored on the same computer on which the application running. In fact, I was the author of the very first Guide on adding images, and at that time, remote URLs were required.

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Well, apparently there was a ‘bug’ in there that allowed it. I started using manager in 2019 and it wasn’t until somewhere late in 2022/early 2023 that it stopped working (the bug got fixed?). I may have gone awhile without upgrading but I know I didn’t wait 3 years to do an upgrade. In any case, your Guide is likely what helped me correct the issues and get it working again, so thanks!

It’s true that this isn’t allowed but it’s not a bug.

Apparently, this is a chrome issue. They’re preventing access to local files unless the client manually sets up a local server on their machine.

You need to run a server instance on your computer in order to force chromium based browsers for “security” reasons:


Anyway, you have two solutions:

  1. Run a server instance on your own computer

  2. Or in case you can’t be bothered, just host the pictures on any free Cloud service

I’m aware that this makes my earlier post incorrect, so I will edit it accordingly.

You can save your logo on the Folders Tab as an attachment.
For Desktop Edition, Inspect Browser to get attachment url.
for Cloud, just click attachment and copy browser url.

Add link from attachment to your Themes as src value.

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I made the custom theme approach work for different “doing business as” names in a test company file, but I’m concerned about this being marked “obsolete”? If this is removed without a reasonable replacement, we would immediately need to change how we do our invoicing. How likely is this to be removed and what process is used to prepare users and provide an alternative?

Try to use code in footers rather than using custom themes. When using custom themes you can not use footers anymore.

Search the forum for how footers can be used.

It has to be the dba name instead of the legal name, not in addition to it. Adding a footer won’t fix that.

The footer function is not only adding things to the bottom. You can use a script to change quite a lot. As mentioned search the forum and you would for example find:
