Error when you try to access quantity to deliver ledger in Sales Order

Error when you click to access the Qty to deliver (pending delivery) ledger/history in the Sales Oder tab. Version 21.4.87.

using: ver 21.4.87 win10 desktop, I played with this new feature.
the following workflow results in an internal error

  • created sales order with inventory item qty is 10
    and Track quantity to deliver is checked

  • copy to new Delivery Note

  • copy Delivery Note to New Sales Invoice

  • Customer returns 1 Item

  • copy Sales Invoice to New Credit Note

  • created Delivery Note with a negative qty to record the return

  • recorded a payment from bank account and allocated the refund to Accounts receivables

this procedure returns a Qty to deliver of 1 to the Qty to deliver column in the Sales Orders Summary
clicking on the pending Qty in the Sales Order Overview and on the Qty to deliver in the next window Sales Order XXX — Qty to deliver, will result in this Internal Error.

clicking on Go back and Back will bring you back to the Sales Orders Summary

Adjusting the Qty to 9 in the Sales Order will show a zero ( 0 ) for the Qty to deliver in the Summary

Is it supposed to work this way ?

@WZM I created a similar topic when I discovered the error. I just saw your topic too so I merged them.

Fixed in the latest version (21.4.88)

the internal error thing was fixed in ver 21.4.88

but could someone answer to the question on how to handle an item return with this workflow ?

  • create sales order with inventory item qty XX
    and Track quantity to deliver is checked
  • copy to new Delivery Note
  • copy Delivery Note to New Sales Invoice
  • Customer returns 1 Item
  • copy Sales Invoice to New Credit Note
  • create Delivery Note with a negative qty to record the return
  • record a payment from bank account and allocate the refund to Accounts receivables

this procedure returns a Qty to deliver of 1 to the Qty to deliver column in the Sales Orders Summary

should one uncheck Track quantity to deliver in the Sales order form after creation of Delivery Note or adjust the Qty in the Sales Order. what would be the correct procedure to get Qty to deliver to zero.

thanks for comments

I’m thinking credit notes and customer returning item is beyond what should be tracked by sales order.

Once sales order is fulfilled then it’s fulfilled and anything that happens beyond that (credit notes, customer returns) should be out of scope for sales order.

So I’d not link negative delivery note to sales order at all but I’m open to hear what others think.

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I agree with you, @lubos. A credit note could be issued for many reasons, including:

  • Return of inventory item because of poor fit. Customer ordered two sizes because of uncertainty. No intention to reorder or replace.
  • Credit given after the sale because promised delivery date was missed. Sales order is still satisfied.
  • Credit note issued because of contractual misunderstanding. No items returned. Sales order still satisfied.

The point is that, if the original sales order was fulfilled, it should be considered closed, satisfied, or whatever you want to call it.

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sorry to bother you with just one simple thing I overlooked.
When creating the Delivery Note for return from the original Sales Order,
just clear the Order Number drop down field and you are done.
thank you

My answer to this question is that Credit Notes and Debit Notes can be improved to have fields for Order numbers and once the Order Reference numbers are entered it must affect the related Sales Order.

If you do not want the Credit note or Delivery Notes with negative numbers to affect what has been reported in the Sales Order Tab, simply delete the Sales Order reference number as @WZM said.

I don’t see how Orders and Credit/Debit Notes are related.

My logic is this:

  • Credit/Debit Notes are corrections of errors in the invoice, most of the time. In that sense: (a) Nobody orders a correction, (b) The CRN/DRN cannot be assigned to an order without an invoice, so they are really related to the invoice, which is already possible in manager.
  • Once the order has been invoiced, it’s closed and it’s history. There’s absolutely no benefit of getting back to square 1 for every correction. Anything that happens after closure is it’s own thing. This is better for control purposes.

However, for Delivery Notes, you might have a point. Idk what’s the best method right there but I am interested on what you guys think of that.

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This is the key point, and the reason there should not be backward flow to a sales/purchase order. But I would go one step further, deleting your phrase, “most of the time.” I would say all of the time.

Suppose someone sends you a purchase order, you enter a sales order, and send a sales invoice, planning that an item will be drop-shipped from your own supplier. Then you discover the item has been discontinued by the manufacturer. You offer options to your customer, who declines them all. A credit note is in order. But re-opening the sales order with an item you cannot supply and for which the customer wants no alternative is not logical.

If the item is being tracked through delivery notes, the sales order is still fulfilled when the sales invoice is issued. The delivery note completes the sales invoice, not the sales order. Likewise, when an item is returned, the negative delivery note completes the credit note, not the sales order. There just have to be limits on how far you can track things. I don’t believe anyone would argue that the sales order should remain open until until receipt of money against the sales invoice. That isn’t fulfillment; that’s collection management. All the relationships can be followed throughout Manager with proper use of reference numbers. The original idea was to have information about when sales quotes had been accepted or rejected. That expanded to status of sales orders. But I do not think the notion was ever to have a cradle to grave status report on every sales action ever taken.

Most systems with Sales Order tracking give users the option to prematurely close orders (Cancel). In your example above, simply force close the order (Cancel) and issue the credit note. The credit note will not bring back to life a cancelled order.
There are plans to use the Sales Order module for Job Costing. I kind of think Job costs could be wrongly computed and profit wrongly computed if credit notes are ignored. Also, job progress tracking could be wrongly reported as returned items are ignored.
I may be wrong though.