Email Issue during sending invoice

Hi, I have encounter error : Name or service not known during sending invoice by email.

Please assist.

You need to furnish more information.

  1. The usual Manager version and edition (Desktop (+W/L/M), Cloud or Server (+W/L/M).
  2. Is this a sudden issue, i.e. did your email work before?
  3. Did you change anything in the email SMTP settings in Manager?
  4. Did your email provider change anything, for example enforced 2 Factor-Authentication or another email Port?

The error message you gave is usually related to an error in the host name of the SMTP server in the email settings, so you can start there. Ensure that it is as provided by your email hosting company and ensure that there are no spaces before and after or erroneous use of a comma , where a full-stop is needed.