Thanks for the link to your article, which I found helpful since I’m in the same position (long-time QB user thinking about converting) that you were in when you started your process, @lianabel .
That being said, I don’t actually see the answer to your original question in the article or on the thread. There was a suggestion at one point that “projects” and “divisions” are both equivalent. It seems to me that “projects” in Manager maps to “Jobs” in QB almost perfectly, and that is definitely different than a QB “class.” The Manager “divisions” seem like they are different than anything in QB, including classes. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. (For example, there’s this old thread where there’s a longish, and I think unresolved, discussion about differences: Added ability to create divisional balance sheet - Manager Forum)
As a QB convert, I’d be interested to know what you found.