Different balance beetwen Cashflow Report and Receipt & Payment Report

Hello buddy, I need your help all explain to me why do I have different balance beetwen Cashflow Statement than Receipt & Payment report. Hereby I attatch capture :

  1. This captured from CF Statement >

  2. This captured from receipt & payment report >

We have incremental in Receipt & Payment Report that named “adjustment” (45.573,00) but it has no link to be clicked. Please help me to trace it in manager about what is that? I have tried to find the “adjustment” but maybe it happened because the staff did wrong procedures in inputing transaction and it would be easier to find problem about “adjustment” if it could be click to open the details of transaction.

Thank you…

This adjustment is because of a Journal Entry and it must be the starting balance of Cash and Bank accounts combined.
@lubos Just checked it and it looks like a bug to me. Cash flow statement is not taking Adjustments (Journal Entries) into consideration and that where the difference between both the reports is.

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@lubos any solutions for this?

there is nothing yet for solution buddy? @lubos

Fixed in the latest version (24.6.27). Now it will show Adjustments line on cash flow statement too.

But if you see Adjustments line on cash flow statement, it means you have a journal entry that is debiting or crediting cash/bank account and doesn’t have Cash transaction for cash flow statement purposes checked.


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Thankyou very much for response but, so that adjustment is happenning caused by entry journal using cash account? Is it should did via cash/bank transaction to make that appear in CF statment @lubos ?

I will need to make the figure clickable so you will see which journal entry is causing it. But basically you have a journal entry debiting or crediting a bank/cash account without Cash transaction for cash flow statement purposes option being checked.

So journal entry debits/credits are not included within cash flow statement. Only the cash movement is shown as adjustment so everything still balances.

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thankyou verymuch @lubos