Can anyone help me to create a custom theme for invoice. So invoice looks like this:-
What exactly are the requirements?
You could be a bit more specific, like:
- Custom fields in the headers
- GST amount as a column (no easily achieved and not recommended since it probably has to be hard coded)
- Sum of quantity
- Totals split into tax summary table
- General layout changes
What problems have you encountered? Post the code so that other members could offer help.
I think that he asks for help from someone to create a custom theme that will result in exactly the example Invoice he showed in his post.
Correct this is what i meant to say.
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I Want my my invoice looks Similar to the invoice design that i have posted., custom theme design, coding, and troubleshooting is your own responsibility. If you have specific questions or issues, bring them to the forum along with the code you have written and the result. Asking others to do your work for you violates the rules of the forum, which could be reason for suspension.
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