Custom Field Placement through HTML

I have created some custom invoice fields. They are showing at the lower part of the invoice. I want them to replace above the rows for description, item, rate , qty, etc. Ie just belowthe Addressor and Addressee.

Custom field created on invoice level will be in variable {{ custom_fields["XXX"] }} or
{{ custom_fields.XXX }} where XXX is name of your custom field.

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I must say… Manager software is Fabulous, Much more than just a software… Very very thanks for such a platform and such a forum

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Hi Lubos, I’m not sure if this reference is working with version Manager 17.5.19. I tried to display values using both methods displayed above to no avail.

Following loop displays them correctly:
{% for field in custom_fields %}

{{ field.label }}

{{ field.text | newline_to_br }}

{% endfor %}

however this doesn’t work anymore:
{{ custom_fields[“XXX”] }} or {{ custom_fields.XXX }}

Would you please advise?


custom_fields is an array now, not a dictionary. The reason why I’ve changed to array is to make it so generic themes can be created regardless what custom fields people have.

Obviously, I think the ideal case would be if you could use both. Generic themes would still loop through custom_fields while custom themes created for specific client could utilize custom_fields as dictionary. I will need to look into Liquid what’s the best way to make this possible.

For now, the only way to display specific custom field is to loop through all custom fields and skip if name of custom fields is not what you are looking for…

{% for field in custom_fields %}
{% if field.label != 'XXX' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
<div>{{ field.text }}</div>
{% endfor %}

Of course, it would be great if you could just write this instead…

<div>{{ custom_fields["XXX"].text }}</div>
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Thank you for your help Lubos.

One other question, how to reduce number of the columns in the invoice item
Let’s say I don’t want to display Unit price or quantity in other words I
would like to sell service
which has Description and price columns?


You can enter the service you are selling in the description column and the price in unit price. Select the suitable account and leave the other columns blank. The columns that do not have anything in them will automatically not show.

What I want to achieve is hide Unit price, if I enter price unit it shows
on invoice.

I would like to achieve following:

Description Amount
Some service description $2000

I’m using inventory item > Sales.


That is what i just said.

In the description field enter Service Description
In unit price enter $2000

Not working here. Attached are screenshots. Edit invoice mode and preview.

Don’t enter “0” into Qty field. Simply leave the field completely empty.

That’s the information I was looking for :slight_smile: . Thank you!