@jpic, I do not think having a custom field will let you do the things you mention. While the information might be useful, it does not pertain to an actual financial transaction in the sense of being a debit or credit. So Manager will do nothing with it. You could, therefore, have the same utility by entering the information in the transaction description field. Either way, it seems you’ll have to manually add up the usage.
Any accounting system will be limited in the analyses it performs automatically. Others, we have to create on our own. The one you mention would not be supported by any system I’ve encountered.
@Tut, You are right it does not pertain to financial information. With a custom field i was hoping to add it up with the exported data in excel. it would save having to keep separate records.
Here is another question indirectly related: For the sale of a service (Leasing of equipment) Could there be an allocated R&M cost such that it accrue it in a Sink Fund?
Edit: WIth the custom field I was thinking for it to be similar to the “Tracking ID” field for every transaction which you can choose to use or not.
Manager won’t do that automatically. But you can create a dedicated sinking fund account and make allocations to it. This is somewhat akin to creating a depreciation account. You could take several approaches. If you allocate imputed expenses to a sinking fund expense account, you would eventually want to clear them to an asset account, because you would be holding funds in reserve for R&M.
That would be appropriate only if the operating costs were explicitly tied to the hour of service. Otherwise, you are simply looking at overhead expenses shared by all activities of the business. But you would not record overhead as an expense directly. Overhead is made up of specific expenses: perhaps rent, utilities, insurance, and so forth that you would want to record in their own accounts. Only after the fact can you calculate the actual overhead rate that applied. Of course, you can estimate these things in advance for purposes of quotes, but those are not financial transactions.
Regardless, Manager will not automatically apply operating costs upon entry of a sales invoice item.
And while you can set up a unit of service sales as an invoice item for convenience in billing, that does not constitute inventory. Inventory refers to physical goods held for manufacture or sale. You must be able to count it, which of course you cannot do with labor.
Sorry @Tut i don’t think i described it well.
Leasing equipment per hour
each hr i know the run down cost
Wear and tear: a
Fuel: b
Insurance: c
Garaging: d
Therefore 1 hr of lease = a+b+c+d+profit
I understand what you are trying to do, @jpic. I see two ways to handle this:
Use Billable Time. Although this was designed for recording labor hours, it would also work for leasing hours. You record the time allocated to a specific customer. Then, when creating a sales invoice, you can see all un-invoiced time for that customer. You enter the desired rate when creating the record of billable time.
Use sales invoice items, which allows you to set a unit price.
In neither case would Manager automatically allocate expenses to various accounts. You would need to figure your desired rate in advance, based on estimates of costs and desired profit margin. Allocations of expense portions to various expense accounts would need to be done by entering separate line items.