Custom expense account Bug

Screenshot 2024-08-05 184643
Screenshot 2024-08-05 184728

There is a problem with the Custom expense account
In the sales invoice, the Custom expense account is not selected

What do you mean by the Custom expense account is not selected ?

Try saving your sales invoice, and look for the Account you are referring to on the Summary Page. The expense amount for the item should be recorded there.

Screenshot 2024-08-05 184728

i choose different account when i create this item

You have selected a custom expense account (purchases) but not a custom income account.(sales) when setting up the inventory item.

Actually this is not purchase account but expense account is where Cost of goods sold (Or any other adjustments) amount is posted.

The account you are referring to on Sales Invoice is Income account. When sales invoice is created search for your custom expense account on Income Statement and you will find cost of good solds there.

Purchases = expense account, sales = income account.
@MCasper states “In the sales invoice (which is the second image), the Custom expense account is not selected”
Have a look at the image of the edit inventory item posted. When sold (sales) it should go to inventory-sales (default) or Custom income account.
This is how it is. Check any sales invoice, and @MCasper has not selected Custom income account in the set up, but Custom expense account which would be where the cost of goods (inventory on hand) go.

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