Cash transactions not included on statements

I am repairing electronics and I have the same customers who sometimes send in for repair and sometimes come in and pay in cash.

When I open a customer report I would like to see the amount on each customer. Now I dont see the sales through recipts if I dont make a custom report.

I like the Manager software and really dont care about how other softwares does this.

As an accountant and a moderator, I’m concerned about how other systems do it because departure from decades-long conventions would alienate many users.

The reason I’m asking you about how other systems do this is that this idea has been discussed endlessly but nobody has an idea about how it should be implemented.

Again and more importantly, in a previous comment, I mentioned that I’m not against a new report that meets your expectations as long as it’s kept separate from the ordinary Customer Statement / Supplier Statement since changing those would confuse the vast majority of users and their customers.

That’s why @gunfai, I think you should provide an example of what you want which will help this be implemented.

Ok, I understand and I really like your work. Unfortuntely I have not tried this in other software.

But there is a good example of making a custom teport for it in Missing customer transactions report

So this is the behavior I would have expected.

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I would imagine a transaction listing with two columns: (1) Transaction Amount, (2) Receivable or Payable, should do the trick.

This way all transactions will have an amount, but only those transactions that are actually posted to Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable will have a non-zero value in that column.

Date Description Transaction Amount Accounts Receivable
1/1/2024 Invoice 123 — So and so 150 150
2/1/2024 Credit Note 456 — Invoice 123 -50 -50
3/1/2024 Receipt 789 — Cash sales 200 0
4/1/2024 Receipt 012 — Invoice 123 -100 -100
Totals 200 0

But I still don’t think that this report should replace the Customer Statements (Transactions) since that wouldn’t be a statement of account but rather a history report or a “Customer History” report or something to that effect.

On another thought, I don’t think that this report replacing Customer Statements (Transactions) would be a big problem though :thinking:

Just create an invoice for cash sales and then register the cash receipt

That way all customer sales will be in the Customer Statement

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