Cannot find Tax payable in account feild search?

I cannot find Tax payable when I open account drop box! anyone can help please?

You need to furnish more information. What transaction type? Please illustrate with a screen shot of the Edit screen for that transaction. Also, did you create a tax code? Show a screen shot of the Edit screen for that tax code. Did you create a tax liability account? Show a screen shot of your Chart of Account under Settings.

Hello Tut,

actually in all transaction types!

in the past when I creat the tax code automaticlly Tax payable account was created and I was be able to add certain amount to it when I need be choose Tax payable from drop box of Account feild and i have some payments has this but recently I could not found the account on the account feild!

can you see that is disappeared

You are showing only portions of the transaction Edit screens, so I cannot tell what type of transactions they are. That matters, because there are some situations where a tax liability account should not show because it does not make accounting sense.

Also, you did not show the Edit screen for any tax code(s).

I could tell you that I manage this issue…

I used the Tax payable account as an general account that I can choose it from the account drop box whenever I want but it seems Manager change this option! so I created another account in the chart of account and transfer all items inside Tax payable account to it and this could solve this issue for me.

thank you anyway your support was appreciated :slight_smile:

This is how it’s meant to be solved. The default Tax payable account is just a temporary placeholder account.

In future, when you create new business in Manager for given country, you will automatically get custom tax account(s) and tax codes linked with this custom tax account.