CAMT.053 instead of MT.940

Any update or progress on this? With a file from SNSbank I also face the issue that debit and credit are reversed. I can change the sign of the transaction but thats a bit of a nasty solution :wink: If needed more than willing to supply an example file to @lubos

Please send me the file to


26 days ago lubos stated that the issue will be fixed in the next update. For a long time there were no updates. So I waited patentiently, but now the latest update is there, it is’n working. 26 days ago I could upload my file, now it says the file is not valueble… Is there any progress. My transactions are heaping up.

I would be so glad if there came a solution. Thank you.

Importing the new CAMT fileformat works fine for me with the lastest version of manager ( version). You will have to review your bankrules as they may no longer allocate correctly, but that is a minor issue.
I have only tested it with one account. CAMT is also able to combine multiple bank accounts, but this i have not tested.

@HvS if you are using rabobank files, make sure that the file you download is not a zipped or packaged file. If so, first unpack the file. The extension of your manager import should be .xml, and your internet browser is usually able to open the files (showing only text).

This is not yet supported but it will be.

@Ben80 Hi Ben, my bank is the ASN Bank. I have installed the same version as you did. It is an xml file and I can open it a and see it clearly as an xml file. The strange things is that in the previous version opening the xml file was no problem. Now it is invalid? I only use one account.

@lubos When importing an Camt (xml) file, i’ve noted that it is very difficult to set up proper receipt rules for transaction allocation. From the xml file, the < Ustrd > field is reflected in the transaction description. This is usually only showing very little information (e.g. invoice number, or just “rent” etc), and does not provide sufficient static information to automatically allocate future transactions.
It would be nice if more Camt fields could be combined into the description, for example < Nm > showing name , < IBAN > showing bank account and < Ustrd > showing description.


Download a new version of the xml file, and try to import it in a clean/new admin. So just add a new “company”, with manager default settings to test the import.
Check your date and currency settings in manager. See snip of my settings below.


Hi @Ben, I followed your suggestions. I made a new business with one account. I downloaded the transactions again. The settings were as you described, but the results are still te samen. I can’t import the file (yes it is a xml file) because the message “the file that you tried to import is invalid”. Like I said before: in the previous version, the file was openend and imported. There were other problems, but opening and importing was not a problem. Now it is. Why?

To verify that there is noting wrong with the file you can make your own copy.

  • open the xml in you browser and copy all the text
  • open notebook (kladblok) and paste the text
  • save the file using the filename testfile.xml
  • using the .xml extention will enforce this format. Then try to import this file in manager.

@Ben, i did what you suggested, but the same result…

Same here.

Can you try a statement from a different bank?
I can also try to import you file, if you want.


Today, I gave it a new try to import a camt053 file from the Dutch Rabo-bank.
this is the error-message I got. Isa there any progress so far?

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@Hennie you will need to send me the file you are importing to so I can reproduce this.

It did work for me for a while but as of now, i get a similiar error when downloading from ASN Bank:
Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {“name”:“value”}) into type ‘ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.BankAndCashAccounts.ImportBankStatement+Camt053+DocumentElement+BkToCstmrStmtElement+StmtElement’ because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly. To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object. Path ‘Document.BkToCstmrStmt.Stmt.Id’, line 1, position 256.

I can confirm that import with CAMT.053 does work again with version!