Billable expense tracking code not applied to cost

It seems that there is a problem in the report “Profit and Loss Statement” with the “Billable expenses - invoiced”, where a figure exist but “Billable expenses - cost” is zero, when the report refers to a tracking code. when the report in not for a tracking code, then everything is fine. Server manager ver 21.06.6:

and the report for the tracking code

The report without tracking code

I can duplicate this. I have moved the topic to bugs. It is no longer possible to apply tracking codes on purchases when they are destined for balance sheet accounts. So it seems that when a billable expense is invoiced, the program should apply the same tracking code assigned on the sales invoice for the amount posted to Billable expenses - invoiced to the cost posted to Billable expenses - cost.

This bug can be simple resolved by reverting back to where Manager did allow tracking codes to be allocated to Balance Sheet accounts.

There is absolutely no justification under any accounting principle as to why this artificial restriction needed to be introduced.

I am not sure simply reverting to earlier behavior will solve this problem. Although you could formerly select a tracking code when posting to a balance sheet account, the program ignored the selection. So this very same problem may have always existed. A solution seems to require the ability to assign tracking codes to general ledger transactions that are not directly associated with a line item on a sales invoice (or other transaction form).

The posting to Billable expenses - invoiced in @pandhm’s example comes directly from the sales invoice. But the posting to Billable expenses - cost is a secondary transaction, part of clearing the Billable expenses account of the invoiced expense. I suspect code for picking up secondary transactions and assigning tracking codes has never existed.

@lubos can you please resolve this?

Fixed in the latest version (21.7.1)

The situation is the same @lubos, Manager Server ver. 21.7.13

and the report for the division

The report without division

Is the billable expense assigned division? You need to show edit screen of transaction which debits Billable Expenses account.

As below

I don’t know why there isn’t Division column when you select Billable expenses account. It appears in my testing file.

I deleted the purchase invoice and created again, but no division column

I realized where I made mistake. Check the latest version (21.7.18)

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Fixed, thank you