Batch Update Problem with Payment vouchers

Many payment vouchers don’t have a reference number. I want to Batch Update the reference number.
When I copy paste the batch details into excel, the BANK ACCOUNT shows as a the Code text (3 letters of the bank), and NOT as the key-string.
Therefore, when I do the batch update, it deletes the bank account altogether, thereby creating a suspense issue.

What am I doing wrong? Why is the bank account showing as the Code text, and not as the string? How do I update it in this situation?

Batch Update should work using the Code.

If you are changing it to a UUID then I suspect that you are using an incorrect UUID.

It’s not working using the code. It deletes the bank account altogether. I even confirmed that there isn’t a duplicate code.

Please show the edit screen of that bank account.

So, I changed the code of the bank and that issue went away. I had 2 codes. HNB and HNB1. Maybe that was the issue?
But now in the update, the employees payslips were getting deleted.

I figured the error. I think it was because of a SPACE after the code end that was creating the issue.

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