Bank Statement - Can no longer import multiline transactions Gross|Fee

I know this problem has been raised before, but I was just wondering if there was a solution yet.

When you download a PayPal CSV (or almost any other statement from a merchant provider), they usually separate the transaction as: Gross | Fee | Net

In the old version of Manager (I’m using the desktop version), it would let you import the Gross & Fee (a multiline import). This worked perfectly. Now you can only import “Amount” - one column.

How do I import the fee column? Do I have to split the “fee” into a separate csv file and do two imports? One import for the gross and one import for the fee.

I appreciate any help.

Thank you.

Idk whether this intensional or a bug but you can also split the lines using receipt/payment rules.

Thanks Ealfardan. But it’s not even importing the second column. It will only import the “Gross” column, which now has to be labeled/changed to “Amount”. It used to accept the label “Gross”, but not in the latest version.

You don’t need to import two column with the receipt rule approach. You import 1 column and then split to as many lines as you like:

But only @lubos can confirm what happened importing multiple bank columns.

Thanks again Ealfardan. I guess that means I now have to merge the two columns (Gross & Fee) on my spreadsheet. Also, Manager used to know that the Fee column was a negative value, even if it was written as a positive number. That means I will have to change each fee value to a negative one.

Is this correct?

That’s true and hopefully @lubos would clear things out as to what happened to multiple columns import.

But I hope that that would be needed since the rules method is more automated than the previous method.

I worked out the problem. It was my fault. I was only including a “Gross” & “Fee” column. It actually needs all three columns - “Gross”, “Fee” & “Net”. If the “Net” isn’t included in the csv, than it won’t import into Manager.

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