As we opened the doors to our business I was reconciling on a daily basis (because I’m OCD and learning, and I just wanted to. lol). All was going well. I reconciled every night. And it was easy. Everything reconciled perfectly.
But then we got busy and I didn’t realise but I haven’t done so for a few weeks. No problem, but when I go into the bank reconciliations, they’re not all NOT reconciled.
I never did a new one until the previous was done.
What I don’t get is the transactions are still there, but their dates have shifted by a couple of days and this shifting of payments have thrown the statements out.
The problem with this is, in the reconciliation screen, I don’t have access to the payments to readily change their dates. ie, I’m using the desktop version and the workflow is complicated. What I mean by that, I have to exit out of the report, find a missing transaction, edit it and change the date, then re-search to get the same dates and find the next missing transaction, change its date, then search again… etc. Because the scrolling doesn’t return to the same place it just makes the process more complicated (IMO)
As can be seen, there is only one payment on the day, and I’d like to be able to select a few payments that have been moved from where they should be (here) and put them back. But to do so, I have to exit out of the report, find some missing transactions, enter each one and change the date to the correct date (it WAS correct before).
Anyway, I’m going to walk away for the moment, we’re running late.
But if anyone knows how a whole series of dates or can be moved in a group or what it is that may have happened it would be helpful.
I am on the desktop edition and using 16.10.91