How to record a fixed asset from a previous years accounts?
I made some large purchases last year that I need to include in this years depreciation, when I add the item as a fixed asset the start date defaults to the beginning of the current years accounts. Any ideas?
But that only works for the current financial year… i need to add the previous financial year assets so the depreciation is calculated correctly and not included as part of this years financials…
I think i’ve found a workaround by adding the items as Jounal entries then adding as a fixed asset… but this doesnt give me the opportunity to record depracition thats already been paid…
I know what you mean but if your Start date is set to the first day of financial year, opening balances should be excluded from Profit & Loss Statement and other reports. If they are not, it’s a bug that needs fixing.
So you check where (on which report) do you see depreciation as part of this years financials?
If your start date on Manager was on 01/07/2014, make sure this date is set in Settings → Start Date.