Auto-Calculating Quantity Based on Width and Length in Invoice

I have added Width and Length as new fields in the invoice using custom fields.
What I want to achieve is for the Quantity field to automatically display the result of Width × Length as soon as I enter values for both.

Is there a way to set this up in Manager so that the calculation happens automatically?

There have been numerous posts about Manager to have some calculation between new columns through custom fields and the conclusion has been simple. No this is and will not be not possible. Use a spreadsheet for this.

@Esllam_Rashwan this seems like generic feature which should be built-in rather than implemented by custom fields.

So if you are selling item where quantity can be calculated using length/width, then I think option can be enabled on item and then if such an item is selected on quote, invoice, order etc. then Manager can automatically reveal these fields.

I think there is already topic in ideas related to this which relates to volume which is similar concept. But I’ll add this to ideas too.

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I think it’s a good idea.

There are other similar ideas like adding a percentage to the service provider for services (non-inventory item) by choosing the name of the service provider (at line level) to calculate his fees according to the specified percentage and according to the type of service.

Also a percentage for the sales person at the sales invoice level.

Yes, several topics have calculation to a data entry item Search results for 'calculate #ideas' - Manager Forum

It would be great if computed custom fields were also implemented, where one field could be autofilled by calculating its value based on a formula having other fields as variables.
Or maybe if this formula is extended to built-in fields that would be great too.
One example would be calculations of contributions in Payslips based on Salary. There could be numerous other applications.

Thank you for your attempt to help.
I wish I had fully understood your point.
If possible, could you clarify further with a screenshot?