Australian timezones do not exist

I’d come to report the same thing. The Australian TimeZones are missing from the server version. This is on a Ubuntu 16.04 box as well. tzselect info and options in the dropdown are exactly as reported by @fsr above.

Fresh install of mono (never installed before on this box). First ever run at a server install of manager. Installed and working correctly other than guides/forums (another thread) and this exact same timezone problem.

This box is a Ubuntu 16.04. Regularly updated.

Instead of having the Australian TimeZone info in the preferences screen, I just see “local”

Although I got it to display “Australia/Sydney” using the tzselect tool hack and exported the TZ variable, but no other timezones are selectable. (ie, now I have “Sydney” in there, but it’s still not in the drop down which appears above as @fsr reports. That is to say now that I navigate away from Sydney, I can’t reselect it (or local for that matter) and am now apparently living in Papua New Guinea) :slight_smile:

edit: this is server 16.9.13