Are there any limit of transaction in Manager?

Are there any limitation on number of transactions allowed in Manager?

Will there be if the database file is too big in future after few years later, that Manager cannot take it and disallow us to key in additional data ?


There is no built-in limit. But if the amount of transactions is extraordinary high (let’s say hundreds of thousands of invoices), then system will start to get progressively slower.

Practically speaking, computers are getting faster, Manager code is being further optimized for performance so practical limits are continuously being push further.

Deal with this problem when you have it, if you have it.

Noted. Will refer to here if encounter it in future, thanks.
Hopefully it wont disallow if after few years of transactions been keyed in.


Manager uses SQLite and Appropriate Uses For SQLite gives some good information and also in my view explains why it is used for Manager as it removes the need to setup client/server databases and despite some disadvantages it should be scalable enough, but take note that the real limit is not what the database can handle but what the file system can handle. As noted a SQLite database is limited in size to 281 terabytes, but the article concludes that:

“…For device-local storage with low writer concurrency and less than a terabyte of content, SQLite is almost always a better solution. SQLite is fast and reliable and it requires no configuration or maintenance. It keeps things simple. SQLite “just works”…”

This supports the choice by @Lubos to use it for Manager as it is using data efficiently and “packages” the application across different operating systems. Will you reach the limit? When reviewing some of our companies it seems that there are about 250 transactions per Mb, where some have PDF attachments, inventory, etc. So in laymen terms 1 Terabyte could hold 250 million transactions (db max 70 billion). The physical limitations of the server will be the main concern as @Lubos pointed out. I think some of this (memory use) has caused some recent changes in for example History where a max limit for large databases was fixed but at the cost of losing free search. Technically it also would slow down when many users try to work simultanously on a single database. As for any company, and manager allows this if using it many years you should consider creating archives on a rolling basis. You only restore these when needed for example for auditing reasons.

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Thank you for the explanation.

May I know how many years that you could suggest to archive? Is it 7 years? as it is the documents that required to be stored for auditing purpose.

May I know how to do archive in Manager after any year of year end?

Thank you.

You can find out from your tax authorities as it depends on each country what the legal requirements for archiving are.

Noted. thanks.

May I know how to do archive?

We are not using Manager that long as having the need to archive on a rolling basis. I just checked the forum and found:

So maybe @Lubos should consider bumping it to the ideas category as eventually after decades even a small company may not be able to handle the database well and it would also help to keep the speed of using Manager without so much legacy data better.

May I know how long has you been using Manager ?