Ammending invoice heading to “TAX INVOICE” goa, India

India . Here as per tax laws , we need to print " Invoice " on services and "Tax Invoice " on materials where VAT is applicable . Hence both heading are required for me to generate invoices
In my state goa,

These VAT rates are for Goa state in India .

I will really be thankful if you can add these to start with.
Other way round, it will be more easier for me if you allow to choose between INVOICE / TAX INVOICE for customized taxes. There are way too many in India.

The way these country-specific tax codes and invoice headings are being handled is through open source extension called “Manager Extensions”

Yes, there are many states in India with many different VAT rates, but there are also a lot of businesses in India. It’s wasteful to try make every business set up their VAT scheme if the software could have it in-built. Not to mention, by having those tax codes in-built, it opens possibility for country-specific tax reports, online lodgement functionality etc.

Anyway, VAT rate is clear. Is CST rate only applicable in Goa or it is global rate for whole India?

Thank you for your prompt reply. And yes CST rate global in India.

The in-built CST rate Manager has at the moment is 4%. Could you shed some light on it? How many CST rates are out there?

central sales tax(CST) 2% with c form document ,
with out c form 4%

central sales tax(CST)rate is two type
one is 2% with c form document ,
second is with out c form document 4%
please reply