After auto-updating, the hyperlinks in INVESTMENTS section are inactive

After auto-updating, the hyperlinks (or smart buttons) in the INVESTMENTS section are no longer exist.
I cannot see the entries of any investment balance like I used to.
Could anyone help me with this issue?

Click on the blue zero (0).

I’ve tried this before, and it gives me nothing.

Try again.

How can you have an investment with a value but no quantity ?

Zero x price = zero

Why not just use quantity 1?

Still works for me with Manager v24.06.13.1648


  • when you entered the payments to purchase the shares did you enter a quantity?
  • Settings → Investment Market price → have you entered market prices?

Note Manager now only shows value based on entered market price. It no-longer shows the total amount actually paid for the shares which is probably what you were using in the past.

Edit 2
Actually I agree investments are currently not functional in Manager.
If I buy or sell investments, the price of actual sales has zero effect on the summary data shown in Manager. Will need to wait for this to be fixed before it is usable again.

Manager versions after v24.05.10.1523 and before work much better.

These investments have been purchased during the last two years.
During this period, hyperlinks (with the “Maket value” field) were great to see the breakdown and transactions of any amount.
Now it is difficult to retrospectively add quatity to the prevoius investments.
I believe it would be useful If there is any way to reactivate the hyperlink of the “Market value” field in addition to the current hyperlink with the “qty” field.
Thank you all.

Comparing Investment tab in Manager v24.05.01.1607

With Manager v24.06.13.1648

We are now missing “Total Cost” which is also not shown on the summary page, instead the summary page shows “Market Value”

Note the prior behaviour including the 4 associated accounts is shown here Investments unexpected behaviour - #3 by Patch

@AhmedAmmar clicking on Qty should give all transactions even transactions where quantity is not specified. That is now fixed in the latest version (

It does have impact. Selling/buying investments will decrease/increase your quantity and balance sheet figure is quantity multiplied by market price.

The difference between the cost and market price is in profit & loss account Investment gains (losses)

Let’s see how this implementation goes. The way Investments work is now consistent with how multi-currency accounting work. With investments, you track quantity and the balance on balance sheet is quantity multiplied by market price. With foreign currency accounts, you track foreign currency balance and on balance sheet, foreign currency balance is multipled by exchange rate.

There are quite a few ways how Total cost can be calculated. Yes - it’s easy if you never sell. You just show the balance. But once you sell, there are multiple calculation methods how realized gain (loss) on investment can be calculated and this would have impact on Total cost.

I will find the way how to show total cost but it will need to be implemented differently than before.

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Thank you very very much.
I do appreciate your support.

In my opinion an accounting program should primarily show financial transactions which have actually occurred. That is what cash flow and taxes actually depend on.

I agree calculating capital gains can be complicated, which is why it would be excellent if Manager could help with this. Hiding actual transactions costs is not at all helpful though.

Some businesses need to intermittently revalue their investments. How Manager now handles this is neat, just enter a new market price and a new total is shown. This however must be shown as an adjustment in a separate asset account and not over write the at cost account.

I agree there is some similarities with multiple currencies however the requirement to display foreign currency transactions in a business base currency (a requirement for every transaction in every multi-currency business) is not actually the same as a business intermittent asset revaluation, which when done also requires revaluation of non traded assets such as real estate.

No a business does not.
A business tracks what they actually spend on investment purchases and receive from investment sales. That is what shows on their bank accounts and that is what they are taxed on.

What they may have made / loss if they had hypothetically liquidated their investment is occasionally relevant to some business. Asset revaluations are always an approximation unlike actual financial transactions.

Please reinstate summary page display of actual financial transactions.

Investments are actually much closer to Fixed assets than multi currency.