Adjustable custom fields: The custom fields can be added but cannot be placed on the invoice freely. They come one under another. If the custom fields can be picked and dropped at desired positions on the invoice, than it can be really great.
Indian GST state code: This is acutally a must for the GST invoices to have state codes on them. Hence, with the GST invoice a state code entry must be provided. Even better, the state code can automatically be picked up by the billing address.
HSN/SAC Codes: This is again mandatory for the invoiced items to bear HSN codes.
Billing and Shipping address: Provision to show both billing and shipping addresses is also very important because not all the time billing and shipping addresses are same.
Transportation details: A seperate section showing the transportation details such as Transport
- GRNo & Date
- Destination
- Vehicle No
- No. of Packages
- Frieght
- Weight
- Way Bill No.
- Order No. etc.
here is a snapshot of an example.
Please incorporate these few changes and you are golden. I have the cloud and server editions and I love this software and I recommend to my associates as well. I know 2 of them bought the cloud editions. So, I am requesting this on behalf of all of us (the users).
Many thanks in advance