Additional Column in Budget Vs. Actual

Please what is the possibility of adding “Balance Column” in “budget vs actual” to that it will have four columns - Budget, Actual, Balance and Percentage.

Thank you.

Aliyu HM

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Do you mean you want a column that lists the difference between the budgeted amount, and the actual amount spent? (e.g. 100 budgeted, 110 actually spent, balance = 10.)

Yes that’s exactly what I mean

Thank you.
Aliyu HM

Can someone help me please. I want add a column for difference in budget Vs actual.

You cannot change the content of this report except to include or exclude income or expense accounts, modify the date range or title, or exclude zero balance accounts.

Export to Excel?

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Or copy to clipboard and paste into spreadsheet. That is why those features are there: so users can modify things when standard formats are not what they want.

Thank you @Tut

Aliyu HM

A post was split to a new topic: Purchase invoices and budgets