How can I add “Prepared by” and “Approved by” in payment?
How can I add “Prepared by” and “Approved by” in payment?
See the guide Use custom fields | Manager
or How to add signatory on Invoice or Prepared by: (Staff name) → Use HTML code in fields | Manager
Thank you @Patch for the reply. I just want to add text and no input is require while preparing payment. I believe that custom fields can be use, where you need to add additional input in the form.
In my case, I just want to print the text while printing payment slip.
You could create a custom field then use Set form defaults | Manager to enter Use HTML code in fields | Manager
What would be the custom field type? If i use html codes.
When learning about Manager the best way is to create a test business and experiment.
That way the risk of any errors is low.
How did your experiment go. In case you are unsure these steps may help
Create a test business
Enable Receipts
Create a custom field for payment. You want to enter some text in it, so start with a text field. Check show on printed document but not show as a column.
Go to form defaults and copy the html code from the guide
Create payment
Look at the view screen of the payment
Thank you patch. It’s working.