Account receivable not show in summery. even i have made sales invoices

Account receivable not show in summery. even i have made sales invoices. and also not show sales in income. could you please help me. Is there any problem in web browsing version?

Accounts receivable is activated when you have enabled Customers. Make sure you have enabled Customers from the Customize option.
read this guide Enter customers | Manager

Under Summary tab, Set Period you need to have Accrual Basis to see Accounts Receivables and Invoice Income. Under Cash Basis you only see Income after being paid.

Thanks your prompt responses.
I have already tick this option. even there is no sales summery. i have
made more Sales invoices. but when i received cash only shows sales. please
see some snap what is happening.
thanking you.

0 Summ Set Period

0 Summ Year Dates

Even account receivable also not showing in summery

Thanks very much to help me. its save my time.
have a great day.