[16.3.73] Reference number is now generated when document is saved

Now that this is done (and presumably has fixed any problems people have had with invoice numbering), would it be possible to implement an option for random increments on invoice etc. numbers?

By this I mean that instead of numbering invoices etc. consecutively (e.g. #101-#102-#103-#104), have an option for numbers to increase each time by some random number on a specified range (e.g. #101-#107-#121-#129-#131-#150 or #1005-#1197-#1332-#1520-#1888).

The reason for this is that consecutive invoice numbers reveal information about business volume to customers. If a customer receives invoice #120 on May 1st followed by invoice #122 on June 1st, he can tell that he’s one of only two customers in May. That’s not something all consultants want their clients to be able to figure out.

The current workaround is to change invoice numbers manually each time, but that runs the risk that numbers won’t increase each time. Having an option to skip a random number of numbers each time would automate this and would help to obfuscate the business volume, while still making sure that invoice #3453 comes sometime after invoice #3199. (Another good system would be to add a monthly prefix to numbers, and then choose the starting number for the month randomly, like #2016040123-#2016050101-#2016060297.)

Is this a problem anyone else has?

P.S. @Lubos: What I really wish is that a customer-specific prefix could be used for all documents, incorporating the customer code, so in the scenario above, the May and June invoices would be called #ABC0001 and #ABC0002 for customer ABC, and #XYZ0001 and #XYZ0002 for customer XYZ, respectively. A customer could tell from his June invoice number that this is the second invoice he has received from me, but he couldn’t tell how many other invoices I issued in the interim. This is how I did it before Manager when I was doing everything manually, but I think this is too much to ask, though.