Cheques module

There are two workflows to consider here. Users who import bank statements and users who don’t.

  • If you import bank statement, you should categorize the imported payment against the unpresented cheques account so the matched cheque will become presented. You will be also able to set the bank rules which will be automatically matching imported payments against unpresented cheques.

  • If you don’t import bank statement, there will be two options:

    1. You will be able to “View” the cheque. The view screen will contain button to “Present” cheque. This will create corresponding transaction on your list of cleared transactions which will present the cheque.
    2. Or you can wait until you do bank reconciliation. All unpresented cheques will be displayed and you will be able to click the button to “Present” cheques which should be presented. This is very similar to ticking process other accounting packages have.

So this system should work for every use-case I could think of. That’s why this module is being designed the way it is.

This will be also supported. You will be able to “clear” multiple deposits with another deposit. So you can enter 10 cheques from customers as individual deposits as of various days. Then when you go to the bank with 10 cheques, you will be able to create new bank deposit out of those previous 10 deposits. The new deposit will simply credit those previous 10 deposits to “clear” them and debit “itself”. Not sure if it makes sense what I’m saying but it’s quite simple when you see it and fits perfectly double-entry accounting principles.

Yep. This is polishing work I will do when data-entry is nailed.