Why do the costs on a journal entry show in the net sales column?

Yes, but it is extra work and filing corrections increases the change that the Tax authorities will inspect my entire administration. So I only want to file a single correction once a year after year end closing.

But that is beside the point. My point is that the Net Sales column in the Tax Summary report is selecting the wrong data. If the report is correct I don’t need to submit a correction. I can solve it within my administration itself and pay the correct tax in Q2.

And I discovered two more errors (negative revenue on sales invoices with tax and receipts on bank statements with tax) in the Tax Summary report (see Reconcile Revenue P&L with Revenue Tax report caused by the same error in the selection/filtering of the columns. The combination of credit amounts and account type (revenue or expense account) instead of only credit amounts should be used to place the amount in the correct column of the report.

Why don’t you acknowledge that the Tax Summary report is flawed?