Problem with Tax Transactions Reports

I am wondering why in the “Tax Transactions” the Journal Entries are not included, which means than you cant see in this reports payments you have made and should be seen in the report

The Tax Transactions report is designed to include transactions in which you collected a tax on a sales invoice or receipt or paid tax on a purchase invoice or payment form. (Credit and debit notes are also includes because they are adjustments to those.) In other words, it summarizes taxes coming into the company (or due to come in under accrual basis accounting) or going out of the company (or owed by the company under accrual basis accounting .

What is the use case for which you think it would be appropriate to include journal entries?

You can make payments from a capital account for example. In this case this transcactions should be write down as a Jornal Entries

Journals Entries aren’t used to make payments - you use Spend Money to make payments.
The Spend Money transactions will appear in the tax reports without any issues.

How can you spend money from a Capital Account?

Usually via Cash Accounts - Spend Money with the account allocation being Capital Account.

But do you mean the actual spending of money or just the allocation of funds.
I think you will need to expand upon your exact circumstances.

I mean that one of the partner pays an amount for taxes for the company. There is no other way to write down this amount but only from Jornal Entries
You cannot spent money from a Capital Account other than use Jornal Entries. If there is a way to spend money from a capital account please explain to me how

Now I have noticed that even from a normal account like bank account or cash account the transaction is not show in the specific report

@lubos can confirm this

Yes you can. And you cannot spend from a capital account using a journal entry.

If a partner paid taxes for the company from personal funds, the proper way to enter that is with an expense claim, allocated to his/her capital account. This will, in fact, occur automatically if you enter the expense claim correctly. See this Guide:

So you cant spend money from a capital account via cash account.
and why I have to do this via Expense Claim and not from Jornal Entries?

BTW, what about that even from a normal account like bank account or cash account the transaction is not show in the specific report

No one has said that. You’ve been informed specifically that you cannot spend money using a journal entry. Understand that “spend money” means to actually move funds from some company-owned cash account to an outside entity. You can only do that in Manager in the Cash Accounts tab.

Because journal entries record transfers via balancing debits and credits from one company account to another. (I am referring here to accounts in the chart of account, not bank accounts.) If a partner paid taxes with personal funds, there is no movement of company money, but a company liability has been discharged (debited). Under double-entry accounting, you need a balancing credit, which is recorded with the expense claim.

You need to be more specific about what this question means. What transaction are you referring to? What report are you referring to?

I don’t agree with you.

A capital account can contribute money to the company and the most appropriate way to write down this is from Jornal Entrie.

Now about the other issue read above, all these conversation is about TAX TRANSACTION REPORT, so If I pay tax from, lets say a bank account, this trascaction is not shown in the TAX TRANSACTION REPORT

If you are telling about “TAX Transaction” report… then that report only display the Tax transactions which have allotted tax. it can be spend tax or collected tax … both will be display in the Tax transaction report. No other things will be display in that report.

it will sure display in tax transaction if you allots a tax code.
see the highlighted portion in the image. Select appropriate tax code. then it will sure display in the TAX TRANSACTION report.

No it cannot. A capital account is neither a source of funds moving into the company nor a destination for funds leaving the company. A capital account records the allocation of equity. That equity might come from funds contributed to a cash account by a partner, distributions of earnings to individual partners from the Retained earnings account, and will be reduced by drawings paid to partners from a cash account. But the capital account is never the source of a contribution.

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@Tut As I told you I don’t agree.
If you read the Capital accounts you will see:

“Funds contributed is a sub-account to track money a member has contributed to the business. When a member deposits their personal money into a business bank account or cash account, the transaction should be classified under the Funds contributed sub-account”

This can be done to bank accounts, cash accounts (assets) directly or from Jornal Entries if it is for Liabilities, you don’t have to write an Expense claim for this

@AaiRIz since it is TAX TRANSACTION REPORT should shown all the tax transaction, otherwise the name should be change. With other word it should be a report to shown all the transaction happened to a specific period, so to be able to check the amount you have to pay for taesx at the end of the specific period, so it should include also the payment that happened in this period, even it was paid from a bank, cash or capital account

Even if you do this, the payment you make with the “expense clain” allocated to his/her capital account, is not showing in the TAX TRANSACTION REPORT

please read my previous message to display the things in TAX Transaction Report.

read my this message. and allots a specific tax code if you want that transaction in the TAX Transaction Report. Even you can generate custom tax code for this.

read my this post. and also look at the image attached.

@pandhm, the article you linked to is unlisted because it has been replaced. That’s why it shows the symbol it does to the left of its title:

I’m not sure how you found it. The current Guide on capital accounts is this one: It says:

Funds contributed tracks money a member has contributed to the business. When a member deposits personal funds into a business cash account, the transaction should be posted to the Funds contributed subaccount.”

The key word is tracks. That means it records money deposited into a business cash account. I re-emphasize my point that the capital account (and its subaccounts) are not the sources of funds contributed. You may argue this as long as you wish, but that won’t change the accounting principle.

If I understand you correctly, you are now changing your argument. Previously, you were talking only about contributing funds. Now you seem to be mentioning liability accounts. I don’t know why.

You aren’t being specific about what “this” is. But you started out referring to a partner paying taxes for the company, presumably with personal funds. The way to handle that in Manager is with an expense claim, not a journal entry.

This thread has wandered all over the place, from your complaint that the Tax Transactions report only lists actual transactions, to your statement that payments can be made from capital accounts with journal entries, to your question about how money should actually be spent from a capital account, to your introduction of a partner paying taxes for the company and your corresponding denials that this should happen with an expense claim, and then to your misinterpretation of an obsolete Guide article as justification for your incorrect statements about how Manager works.

I can only suggest reading the current Guides. You can link to the relevant ones from screens within Manager under the Learn How To… heading at the bottom of the screen.

I don’t change anything, if a partner pays for a TAX, which is a LIABILITY, then I write down this through Jornal Entries and this transaction is not showing in the report “TAX TRANSACTION”. Even if I follow your way and use Expanse Claim the result is the same, this transaction is not showing in the report “TAX TRANSACTION”.

This is my point, I am not going to continue this conversation argue with you where to write down the contribution (I prefer Jornal Entries since it is allowed from the program), why these kinds of transactions is not showing in the report “TAX TRANSACTION”