Where in the guide does it talk about how to give refunds?

I found a thread on here from 3/20/2020 about how to give refunds on the app, but it says that the information in the guide about refunds is incorrect and will be changed. I have opened the web page for the guide and CTRL + F to see if I could find the word refund on the page, and it was not there.

I am not dealing with inventory as I have a service business, and most of those old threads from 5 years ago were mainly about how inventory was not doing refunds correctly. I just want to refund a customer part of the invoiced amount.

Oh I tried the chat bot with: Where in the guide can I find how to process a refund? The answer it gave me: I’m sorry, but I don’t have specific information about where to process a refund in the app. You might want to check the app’s help section or settings for guidance on refunds. So I just typed in process refunds and it gave the same answer. (needs more training)

Hi @etcwebdesigns,

This depends on your definition of refund. Some software consider a Credit Note to be a refund. If this is what you’re after, then you can View your Sales Invoice > Copy To > New Credit Note.

If, on the other hand, you want to process the Payment back to your Customer, you will have to do that manually by creating a new payment and filling in the lines with relevant details.

I think this is a weakness of Manager since you can’t do any of the following with a single click:

  1. Copy a Sales Invoice to a Payment for direct refund
  2. Copy a Credit Note to a Payment for a two step refund process
  3. Copy a negative balance of a Customer to a Payment either from a tab or a report for a periodic full settlment.

This area could benefit from improvements.

Thank you! I needed the 1st one since it was just an accounting entry needed.

Glad you found my post helpful.

However, I’m still going to make an idea for exactly this topic