thanks to a new Italian law I’m facing a new problem. I try to explain in very simple way since the law takes into consideration many different aspect on when it is applicable which is not very important under the point of view of the software.
All that said, we can have an invoice for which it’s accrual date is different from the VAT accrual date. The tax reportings should take into consideration the VAT accrual date as referral date but they should show also the invoice date. All other reports should be based on invoice accrual date.
In year 2019 digital invoices were introduced in Italy.
Each invoice has two dates: the first is the one I issue the invoice (issue date); the other is the one which is digitally assigned by the national digital repository at the time of submission (repository date).
BTW I cannot submit to the repository date an invoice with a issue date older that 10 days if I don’t want to pay a fine.
Sales invoices should be always registered in the accounting books with the issue date. Purchase invoices should be registered with the repository date.
In the same way Sales Invoices VAT is registered with the same date of the invoice date and Purchase Invoices VAT is registered with the repository date but only if the repository date is in the same month of the issue date.
For purchase invoice however, if the issue date is at the end of the month and the repository date is in the first 14 days the following month I have two options:
register VAT with repository date
register VAT with a different accrual date: the last day of the month of the issue date. Those invoices should be also highlighted in the report as “anticipated VAT invoices” together with their own subtotal.
So in the end the complication is only for purchase invoices because they could have three different dates (issue, repository and VAT accrual) and, for the anticipated one, a own grouping and subtotal.