UAE Vat Invoice

Please provide an additional column for describing vat amount for each line items.

Now we have five coloumns

For eg :
Present invoice format
Code Description Nos Unit price Amount
SP21 Electronic Speed Limiter 1 700.00 700.00
SP22 fuel Speed Limiter 1 800.00 800.00
Sub-total 1500.00
VAT 5% 75.00
Total 1575.00

Change like this format
Code Description Nos Unit price Amount 5 % Vat Amount Total
SP21 Electronic Speed Limiter 1 700.00 700.00 35.00 735.00
SP22 fuel Speed Limiter 1 800.00 800.00 40.00 840.00

this has been discussed previously… please search before creating a new topic.

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The UAE decree-law and implementing regulations have no requirement to show tax amounts on a line-by-line basis. The requirement is to show the tax rate for each line. Manager does this. The exception is when all lines are subject to the same rate, and then the need to show on each line is irrelevant and not required, as the totals section shows the only rate used, which applies to the entire tax invoice.

please see this. UAE Vat requirement for VAT amount per line is there for invoices more than 10000/-

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@namtech, your link to a competitor’s software was deleted. Competitor’s software is not a valid source of documentation for requirements. They are free to do whatever they want. Manager meets the requirements of the UAE decree-law and implementing regulations.

Please see in the link to uae vat document link and in that link article 48.

Article 48 does not mention this subject. It is about reverse charged VAT.

please see this الهيئة الاتحادية للضرائب - 404
slide 3 . point 7.
hope this will clear you for the requirement of each vat amount in each line.

Just as in your decree-law’s implementing regulation, this presentation says that each line item on the invoice must show the rate of tax, not the tax amount. The amount referred to is the amount of the sale.

As per the training from them they require in line amount of vat In the invoice.
Suppose they are multiple items in the invoice which is vat applicable and some items are excepmted from vat, how it will be distinguish between them for the vat charged for which item and how much.
It is necessary for UAE.
I can’t understand why you are ignoring to add this feature?
I like your software very much.

Brother it is telling for each good and services the rate of tax and the amount payable. in the slide.

the amount payable is the amount payable by the customer - or least that’s how I (& Tut) understand the documentation you linked to.

I can see that it might be considered a bit ambiguous but …

well we clarified this point with them and they told that in each line vat rate and vat amount should me there otherwise penalty will be imposed.

when we are expecting this feature in the new release ?