I think that you are very lucky then. Viewing forms, I don’t have to scroll left/right, but editing most of the forms I do. Maybe it’s because I use different features in the program that you don’t? I can assure you that the constant scrolling left right is a major pain in the ass and was actually the reason for implementing a collapsible LHS menu in the first place. I am not the only one that has complained about this issue as I wasn’t the one that requested the collapsible LHS menu. In short, just because you don’t personally experience a problem doesn’t mean that there isn’t one! Trust me its a problem that has irritated me for years.
Collapsing the LHS menu bar helps but is not sufficient. In every other program that I use with my screen size 1280*1024 I don’t have this scrolling issue.
I hardly think clicking cancel is a huge problem if you decide to cancel the form midway! For me it would be preferable to constant scrolling left/right
Actually it has. One of the posters a few months back wanted buttons at the top so he doesn’t have to keep scrolling down. See post
Again I commented that I felt the problem was the design view of Manager. If the edit view was not in a portion of the screen view, he would not likely have this problem because once again the top headers of the main program take up a lot of space that is not necessary when editing a form thus forcing him to scroll down to see the buttons he wanted.
With your point about the back button, the keyboard back button is far more efficient so there really is nothing on the top menu that is relevant to editing/viewing a form.
Anyway it doesn’t matter what we think as the developer is happy with the current gui design as is and I doubt that your suggestion or mine will be implemented as the gui layout design view has been raised dozens of times in many different posts over the years.