Total quantity on invoice

It would be very good if Manager could automatically calculate the total Quantity as it calculate the total amount on the invoice.
It will make supplying checking easier as stock manager and delivery team as well as the checker can make comparaison betwen delivered Units and the total quantity on the invoice.

Pls look into this

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The problem with this is that many invoices combine totally different types of things. One line item might be in hours, another in units sold. It makes no sense to total these.

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I agree with @Tut in general, but I would add that for the special case when all items on an invoice are in hours, it would be very nice to see the Hours column totaled. (The in-built invoice template “knows” when everything is in hours, because it changes the Qty column header to Hours in that case.)

Showing total quantity for hours would be the only time when it would make sense.

But OP is probably not talking about that.

This could have undesirable results. It would be fine for a single-person consultancy where all hours are billed at the same rate. But suppose you are billing for multiple labor categories with different rates. Then, a total of all hours makes much less sense. And even then, there is a high probability there would be some expenses thrown in, too, causing Manager to drop out of the “totaling” mode. So I think the use cases where it would work could actually be quite limited.

This is the reason I’m not very keen to implement total on quantity.

Too much magic hurts the user where they expect things to happen and then they don’t happen for some (not very obvious) reason.

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Yes, indeed it would!

I think it would be useful also for hours that are billed at varying rates, as a sort of check-sum that all hours have been entered.

I always invoice my expenses separately from my hours, as I assume many consultants do so as not to co-mingle taxable revenue from non-taxable pass-through reimbursements, so the scenario that @Tut describes above wouldn’t apply.

There is no need to do this. If you use the Billable Expenses module, the expense reimbursement never hits an income account. The expenses show as a distinct asset until invoiced, then move to Accounts receivable, and are credited back to zero when receipt of money in payment of the invoice debits a cash account. This is different from billable time, which immediately shows in an income account when entered, despite not yet being invoiced.

All this is invisible to the client, who might see a sales invoice with line items originating in Billable Time, Billable Expenses, and other sources. A single receipt clears them all properly and keeps the taxable income separate from pass-through expenses.

For those in the USA, the challenge is make sure the customer reports only the taxable portion of the payment in Block 7 of Form 1099 MISC. The government instructions are clear about this, but many customers don’t read them and lump all payments into the same category. In that case, you can ask for a corrected form or enter a special expense category on your tax return in offset.

And that is exactly why I always invoice my billable expenses separately from my fees. I don’t want my client to see such items co-mingled into a single invoice, lest the client report the whole lot together as taxable income paid to me. I invoice expenses separately so I can include a special note on the invoice saying something like “This invoice represents reimbursable pass-through expenses accrued on your behalf. Please do not include this amount when completing a Form 1099-MISC.” I can also specify that the invoice for expenses is payable upon receipt, not Net 30 as my professional fees usually are.

Besides that, most of my clients want to have expenses invoiced separately from fees (often on their own forms), to make their accounting easier.