Tax invoice template change

As per the instructions provided by Federal tax authority in UAE the invoice must contain the prices with incl tax, subtotal, and net total, but as per the invoice template provided by it is not possible in excl tax and incl tax scenario.

So kindly please provide us with the template code for the above attached invoice format.

  • Here its mentioned. Tax invoice (heading) must be writen in Arabic and English.

  • This issue has to be resolved ASAP, Else they can impose fine over us.

please search the forum before posting new topics. this has been discussed in detail a few times already.

This thread should probably be closed with further discussion on one of the existing threads such as Tax Invoicing format in UAE

This is the simplified tax invoice format which corresponds to the inclusive tax format in Manager. The only difference is that it will not show the “Total before VAT” line, but that’s not required, it’s optional.

This format can be activated by clicking this checkbox

You can also check this box in Form Defaults setting menu so it’s always checked by default.


  1. All prices must be stated inclusive of VAT if you’re going to use this method. You might need to edit your inventory and non-inventory items as well.

  2. This simplified format applies to either: Retail/Consumer sales OR if the total value is less than AED10K