Suggestion to Add Custom Date Function for "Inventory Items — Average Cost — Recalculate"

After several adjustments, we now need to use the “Inventory Items — Average Cost — Recalculate” function to update the cost of goods sold, which triggers an automatic calculation. Alternatively, it seems possible to adjust costs manually in the “Inventory Revaluation” section under Settings, but this approach does not allow for automatic recalculations.

However, I’ve encountered a potential issue with this process. When pressing “Inventory Items — Average Cost — Recalculate,” the recalculation is done at the current date, and there is no option to set a different reference date for the calculation.

It would be incredibly helpful if a feature were added to specify a custom date for this recalculation. This addition would prevent the need for manual adjustments if recalculations are accidentally delayed. Could this feature be considered a priority for future updates?

Thank you for your consideration.

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