Statement of Changes in Equity Showing Inventories

Why do my Inventories appear in the report?

Were those figures opening balances?

Drill down by clicking on the blue figures to see what transactions contributed to the changes.

No transaction exists.

I have several business for testing, it occurs only in this one. If I add another inventory, it will appear on this report.

then, you should show, how you create/add an inventory

Please shift to English for your illustrations in keeping with forum rules.

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Created the inventories by using this form

It is not how you created the inventory item but show us the edit screen from where you pay one (click on English at bottom of your screen before taking screenshot as @Tut asked.

I created the inventory using that form. I have not made any payment transaction related to those inventories shown on the report.

Click on one of the the blue lines wbere an amount would appear and show screenshots of:

  1. The resulting page
    2, Edit screen(s) of one or more of the entries show on that screen.


Show the Edit screen of that inventory item, not an empty general one.

@mtxid, why are you asking about inventory? The two accounts with balances on your report are capital accounts.

I’m asking about this


Those are my inventories, appears in my Statement of CHanges in Equity. How’s that even happen?

Kindly check your inbox

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