Ok so new loans qualifying to be categorized as investment activities in cash flow statement must afterwards have repayments under financing activities in the cash flow if I understand this correctly. I presume the same applies if a new loan qualifies to be categorized under operating activities, that is repayments are also under financing activities ?
This requires separate control accounts as @Tut mentions as this not possible with one account. It seems to work in Manager if one loan has two special accounts with the same Code where one is under control account New loan (investing activities) and the other under Repayments (financing activities). Works in Manager’s Cash flow statement and in Custom reports for special accounts when grouping is based on special account codes. Manager groups both special accounts under the same custom report group which is nice.
EDIT: a simpler way is using the Division field for Balance sheet loan accounts instead of Special accounts unless specificly needed, as Division can be used see: Divisions (previously tracking codes) and balance sheet accounts