Report Analysis

Please note that this has been extensively discussed on the forum and that the rules at FAQ - Manager Forum say that:

  • Search before you post. Chances are good you are not the first person with a similar question. If you cannot find what you need in the Guides, thousands of topics with tens of thousands of postings make it likely the answer to your question is already here on the Forum. Before starting a new topic, tap into our huge, crowdsourced knowledge base.

I just ran your request to the Manager AI chatbot and some key discussions are listed. From these it become clear why Manager does not include statistical charts and graphics:

Here are some relevant forum topics I found that discuss the charting and graphing features in

  1. Show Project Profit in Percentage - This post discusses various ways of presenting data in, it explains that Manager mainly uses tables for presentation, not graphics or charts.
  2. Graph and Chart Summary in Dashboard - This user recommends a chart summary in the dashboard to help users understand the status of their financial summary over a period of time.
  3. Considering Graphs in a summary View - A request for introducing graphs in the summary view, namely for Cash Flow chart, Profit and Loss chart, Net Income chart, and Expense breakdown pie chart.
  4. Require Graphic reports - A post discussing the need for charts and graphs in reports.
  5. Graphs in Summary view - This post indicates that the introduction of charting/graphs functionality in the Summary view has been an ongoing user request for some time.
  6. Analytics & graphs etc - A call for the addition of graphs and analytics to the Manager dashboard for quick decision making.

Please note that as in all discussions the ideas or features suggested may or may not have been implemented. If you have any further questions or if you are facing an issue, let me know.