Re-introduce the idea of improving Inventory Adjustments

I know that the idea has been discussed more than once in more than one way during the previous years and @Tut welcomed the idea at more than topic.

Since July 2014, @lubos has responded to a member with the following:

Now we have been waiting for almost 9 years for the inventory model to be added or improved.
Is this idea still under development and a solution will be considered by @lubos .

Also you can read this idea topic: Inventory Write-off tab modifications

What improvement are you talking about?

There have been numerous changes in the last 9 years. If you still have the version you refer to then also install the latest version and compare.

The inventory “module” is actually a series of Tabs that you can enable in Settings, this includes Inventory writte-offs that your quote refers to.

A good starting point is to review the Guides Guides | Manager and Scroll to “Inventory”. You can see what is available to manage inventory

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I was referring to

(write-ons, write-ups, write-downs coming soon)

@eko @Joe91 check this to make the idea clear:

I am closing topic. The original thread is still in ideas. Discussion should occur there.

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