With recent changes to inventory and cost of sales, can somebody please guide me on how I can calculate the gross margin for each and every invoice and by customer? Earlier, I developed custom report and was also able to generate this from the breakdown of sales and cost of sales reports from general ledger.
This helps us in analyzing negative margin deals (invoices) and distinguishing between profit making and loss making customers.
Have the same problem here after last update, no report Found to show cost of sales invoices before this update I used general ledger transactions And COGS Account now its only figures with no description and seems to be Cost of materials used in Production orders not Sold even yet.
@lubos please look into this and advise on how we can evaluate the profitability at invoice and customer level. This is required for management reporting purposes.
Thanks @lubos I am using cloud version
Report is showing empty customer name and empty invoice number. This was not the case earlier. Refer the attached screenshot.
I’m thinking that inventory profit margin report which is now per inventory item could have option to be generated per customer or per sales invoice etc.