Potential Issue with Inventory Value Summary report

I am not sure if it is user error or a bug, but no data is appearing on the Inventory Value Summary. I found a similar issue yesterday that was solved here.

I am using the same test business and transactions I mentioned in the referenced thread. When I try to pull the report, this is shown.

The report should show $100 in purchases and $50 in cost of sales.
This report is pulled after purchase and sales of items. You can reference the other thread for screenshots of those transactions.

Server Edition :

Just tried the Purchasing, in the edit form, the inventory account shows Inventory In Hand, but in the Journal View, Inventory is entered in the Inventory - cost account

I think this is because of the new way they are processing Inventory costs. I seems like it stores the values in “Inventory - cost” until you enter an inventory revaluation which moves the correct amount to “Inventory on hand”.

Not sure if I agree with this change but it is what it is. Creates some ambiguity in situations like you showed but it also has some benefits which they mentioned in the guide.

Yes the new guide at https://www.manager.io/inventory-revaluations is very clear and needs to be read in full (i.e. uncollapse) so you take care of warning such as:

The Dynamic Rolling Recalculations is obsolete feature and should not be used for new businesses. Existing businesses can switch it off and move to Inventory Revaluation Worksheet method.

I did read it in full but I disagree that it is “very” clear. It took some messing around with a test business to understand what it was doing behind the scenes (which led to some discovered bugs).

My comment, in full, is clearly my opinion on the change.