Non-inventory ltems

I need to link non-inventory items to more than one account when selling, for example, a revenue account in addition to special accounts, so that closing and auto-filling sales unit price

Your goal does not make accounting sense, at least not as you describe it.

A non-inventory item can be defined so revenue from its sale is posted to an income account of your choice. But special accounts are balance sheet accounts, so they are unrelated to income accounts on the Profit and Loss Statement.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Describe your scenario.

I use the manager in accounting for private hospitals, but when the revenue is collected, there are two branches in the same revenue, actual revenue and non-real revenue. I use the private accounts for immediate closure when the non-actual revenue is received, and the actual revenue of the facility is closed in the revenue account. I seek cloud subscription, but first I need to know the possibility of implementing what I want to do. Is it possible??

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I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. Actual and non-actual revenue are not terms I understand. Please be more specific.

What I can tell you is that Manager will handle virtually any accounting situation in accordance with accepted standards and practices.