This doesn’t make sense - recovery of labour costs via the production order has absolutely nothing to do with Employee Clearing account or the need for a Journal.
Are you using the Payslips tab, if yes, then gross earning get posted to the P&L Wages & Salaries account (unless you have renamed). Gross earnings recovered (reallocate to inventory cost) via the production order get posted to a P&L Wages Recovered account as clearly illustrated in the above linked topic.
The Employee Clearing account contains nett earning - the amount to be paid to the employee - therefore it makes no sense to adjust that employee’s payment because of a production order’s gross earnings transfer to inventory cost. The original expense plus the recovery of that expense all belong in the P&L.
If you want to recover depreciation as a separate item on the production order then the process is identical to the gross earning above, a separate P&L recovery account

Why do want to move it with a journal ?
Firstly I would leave the depreciation as a component of the manufacturing overheads recovery factor. At a guess, it would appear that via your production order you are trying to zero out all expenses account (reallocate all costs to inventory) - that is the wrong approach. All expenses remain in their original accounts and the recoveries via the production order get posted to their own accounts, this way you get a read on how the over/under allocations are working. If they are out then adjust future production orders.
That is excellent, but don’t get so bogged down in being overly precise with the manufacturing overheads recovery process, otherwise you are going to be spending a lot of effort getting to exactly the same result (without being so precise) for no tangible benefit.
No its not okay - in fact it would be totally wrong. - you seem bent on creating unnecessary processes as justification for what I am unsure. Set up you P&L accounts appropriately and all can be achieved quite simply.

All expenses go to there natural accounts and the recoveries (transfer to inventories) are shown separately, any profit or loss sub-total on the manufacturing overheads section of the P&L illustrates the under/over recovery of the actual expenses.
There is no challenge as anything can be put onto a production order as long as you grasp the required process.
Yes one can, keep to the basics and don’t create complications where they don’t exist.